6 Easy Tips and Tricks of Lawn Mowing
If you want to enjoy a beautiful and healthy lawn always, it is important to trim your lawn often. It is a great way to keep your grass looking neat and tidy. When you hire professional lawn mowing and edging services in Werribee, it helps to promote the growth of the plantation and prevents weeds and unwanted growth in the lawn.
Tips for Effective Lawn Mowing
However, it can also be a tedious and time-consuming chore if not done correctly. Here are seven exceptional tips and tricks that will help you achieve a well-manicured lawn effectively and quickly.
1. Sharpen Your Mower Blade Regularly
If you want to get a clean and precise cut, you must have a sharp mower blade. Dull blades tear and shred the grass, which thereby leaves it vulnerable to disease and discoloration. It also makes mowing more challenging and time-consuming. When you sharpen your mower blade at least once a season, you can experience a better and more efficient cut.
2. Mow When the Grass is Dry
It is better not to attempt mowing when the grass is wet. It can damage your lawn. Wet grass tends to clump together, and it gets difficult for the mower to cut it evenly. It can also cause the grass to bend, which eventually results in an uneven cut and an overall messy appearance. Additionally, mowing wet grass can lead to clogs in your mower, which can be a hassle to clean out. It would be better to wait for the grass to dry before mowing.
3. Adjust the Mower Height
You must consider the height at which you mow your lawn, especially to keep a note of its health and appearance. It is essential to adjust your mower according to the type of grass on your lawn. Experts would suggest to mow cool-season grasses, such as bluegrass, at a height of 2.5-3.5 inches and warm-season grasses, such as Bermuda, at a height of 1-2 inches. The experts of lawn mowing and edging services in Werribee are experienced, and their services help the grass on your lawn develop a deep root system and shade the soil. It further prevents weeds from growing.
4. Change Your Mowing Pattern
Many people tend to mow their lawns in the same direction every time. It is not the correct system, and the grass can bend in one direction and create ruts in the soil. Experts recommend changing the mowing pattern regularly. If you usually mow north to south, try mowing east to west the next time. When you continuously change the mowing pattern, the grass will grow upright and evenly, and you will get a more uniform and well-manicured lawn.
5. Too Much of Mowing is not Good
You might feel the urge to mow your lawn every week, which, however, is not recommended. If you mow frequently, you can stress the grass and weaken its root system. As a result, it can become more susceptible to diseases and pests. It is best to schedule professional lawn mowing and edging services in Werribee every 1-2 weeks. It would eventually depend on how quickly your grass grows.
6. Leave the Grass Clippings
You can actually actually benefit your lawn when you leave grass clipping on the lawn. Clippings contain nutrients that can act as a natural fertilizer for your lawn. However, it is essential to mow when the grass is dry so the clippings do not clump together and smother the grass. It is also recommended to use a mulching mower, which chops the clippings into smaller pieces. This would help to decompose quickly and return nutrients to the soil.
If you want to feel proud about a healthy and beautiful lawn, connect with LNS Maintenance. Make a difference in your lawn with our expert lawn mowing and edging services in Werribee. Get ready to be the owners of a spectacular garden.
For more details and quotations, visit our official website today!